A little something to Ponder...............
Through life’s ups and downs, I’ve found one thing to remain the same and that is the love of God. It doesn’t matter how hard the task or how easy the journey, The Lord has never left my side. As I think back in my mind of all the trails and tribulations-some satan inflicted but mostly self-inflicted-I come back to one point that remains the same and that is the realness of God and all his grace and mercy upon me. I have not always been the best of a saint and as a matter of fact some would question my sainthood. As I look back at the bridges that I have crossed and the valleys I have walked through, I couldn’t help but wonder how I got this far and then my spirit reminds me that it was grace that brought me through. I’ve suffered what seems to be turmoil after turmoil but in spite of my suffering I still had joy.
I’ve been let down and disappointed time after time but yet and still I would continue on the road that I was traveling. As I turn the pages of my life, I see just were the Lord allowed grace and mercy to equip me with the strength that I needed to go on. So many times I would hear the voice of the Lord encouraging me to move forward and not stay in the state that I was in at that particular moment. But then there were times that I didn’t hear anything from the Lord and I would wonder where I went wrong.
Since then I found that the steps I was taking were already ordered and the path was already paved. You see, my friend, our lives are like a wheel that is continuously turning and what helps us to get through life is the things that make up a Christian, things that include trust in God, Hope in God and Faith in God. Often times we hear one’s say that “God wants the same mountain top praise while you are yet in the valley.” I agree with that statement completely but I would also like to add that, God wants just as much praise on the road between the valley and the mountain top. We get so caught up in either being happy or sad that we miss being “alright”.
If we would saturate ourselves with the word of God and submit our hearts to the will of God then we would appreciate our “alright” times, learn the lesson in our “valley” times and rejoice in our “mountain top” experiences. We must accept and acknowledge that “all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”. (Romans 8:28) Once we get to that point, there will be nothing that can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39) and when the enemy attacks us with our trails and tribulations, we will be able to stand strong and fully armored and after the dust is settled and we have endured to the end, our trails will be over and we will be left “STILL STANDING” (Ephesians 6:11- 18).
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